Tuesday, September 04, 2007

a bit tired

well, it's not that I've stopped running, because I haven't, but I'm not really enjoying it lately. There's still the great feeling of accomplishment of running 9 miles on Saturday in 1:38:57 (or somewhere close to that) and on Thursday I felt a tad crazy but overall pretty good from going to the Fair during the day on a scavenger hunt for work (yeah, they paid us, I love my new job!) and then running for 4 miles with Kathy, and then going BACK to the Fair because my hand was stamped, and honestly, I didn't get my french fries the first time around.

But today, I just didn't feel like it. My legs still are a little sore, spending too much time on my knees really makes my shins hurt a lot, and it was really hot out too. Add in the fact that 3 mile runs have been my archnemesis lately, and I didn't want to even think about it. So I did an exercise video instead...cop out? Probably. I'm willing to take it a little easy because I know I'm running tomorrow with the group, and because that's the only way my legs/shins are really going to get better, so overall it's probably just fine, if not preferable to go slow right now. But I feel like I'm slacking, like I'm losing momentum, I don't really like that very much either.

Then there's the part where I really haven't raised much money toward my goal yet. Yeah, I got a couple checks the week after I sent out the letters, but 1 check in the last 2 weeks? Ouch. Not that some people don't have really good reasons for not jumping to support me, what with people out of jobs and such. But I thought this would be as easy, if not easier than raising support for a mission trip. Not so far! There's an upcoming buffet dinner/silent auction at Gasthof's on September 16 that I would be glad to sell people tickets for (yummy german food anyone??) but as Seth and I will be out of town that weekend, I'm coming up a little short for ideas of things that I could donate to the auction. I had quite the brilliant idea that I could make a Chocolate Guinness cake or two, they look and taste spectacular and would likely make at least a little money, but since we're leaving on the Friday before, there's the problem with making them and getting them there while keeping them fresh.

Any ideas? Anyone have fantastic items to sell or personal skills to offer at a price? This would also be where having an earlier work day would come in handy where I could ask around to local businesses to see if they would be willing to donate anything. Kathy and I have talked about it because she's got a lot of great ideas, but nothing seems to be coming much together for me on this particular topic.

Oh well, tomorrow's another day, hopefully I'll feel more like running and maybe a little more encouraged about this in general. It is a great opportunity and a worthy cause, I just have to keep that in mind, I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't visit in a while, and suddenly it's an athlete's blog.

Dearie me, you're making me feel fat and lazy today.