Thursday, September 27, 2007


ok, I'm totally off track on my mapmyrun page, but hopefully that will be fixed soon, in case anyone cares.

Sunday was 12 miles. OHMYGOODNESS that was hard. I think there's a bit of a difference between Kathy and my running styles, and we'll probably have to figure out what to do with it.
I fully acknowledge that I like to stop, take waterbreaks, stretch, etc and then keep going, my pace can vary, and it's a little annoying, but somehow it helps me cope, especially toward the end. Kathy can't stop running or her knees will die. Hopefully her knees in general will become better as time goes on and she gets treatment, because really, that sucks a lot for them to hurt that much. And really, she's never been as much of a stopper as I have, and I've always appreciated how Kathy pushes me to do better running, this is probably just another one of those things that I'll appreciate later. 12 miles was definitely the hardest yet (also my longest run EVER! I'll be saying that a every week or so for the next little while) and somehow we made it, somewhere around 2:48, minus waterstops and bathroom breaks. And I was actually able to walk afterwards, it's amazing.

Last night was a 4 miler with the group...but there was a bit of a problem. As I was driving to Calhoun, I heard Paul Douglas on the radio saying that Minneapolis would be getting some heavy but brief thundershowers in about 60 minutes. I was figuring that would be about the end of the run, not too bad. So we started going, and I felt alright, not great. Kathy's on vacation, so I was all alone, and my mp3 player's battery died after about 4 songs, not even a whole mile! Ugh. Good thing it was Calhoun, and I had things to pray about, and it was getting dark and there was lightening to watch, so I wasn't horrifically bored. But I still feel like running alone makes me slower than I should be, I can't keep pace with myself very well.

Kathy and I also decided on Sunday that we are the "Queens of the Slow People" out of our running group, we are nowhere near the fast runners, but there are still a few people slower than us.

It makes us feel better, shutup.

I stopped to use the port-o-potty probably close to 2 miles, and when I came out, noticed I was being passed up by people I had started out ahead of. I thought I would catch them easily...but no, I did not. In fact, at one point, they disappeared up ahead to where I couldn't find them again. Of course, they might have started sprinting when the rain came in buckets, but I did not.

I was around the south side of the lake when it started raining. When it was just a slight sprinkle, it was quite welcome. Then it started looking like the lightening was striking right over my head and the rain started coming down sideways, and it was a lot less fun. By the time I got finished with mile 3 I was done, there wasn't really anything that could have convinced me to go the last mile. I was absolutely soaked, so I just went home.

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