Tuesday, January 22, 2008

back on the horse

For awhile, I honestly flirted with the idea of blogocide...Not that I don't have anything to say anymore, but I've got so much in my head that it seems ridiculous to try and find a place to start. It's not that I've been absent, I've been commenting on people's blogs (I've even been longwinded, just ask Carlson), I just haven't wanted to bother with my own.

But I'll give it another shot. Because I still feel that this is a valid format for me to get thought to "paper" and actually work things thru, which is still hard for me if everything just stays in my head. I'm not really sure I have much of an "audience" anymore, but that's fine, maybe I'll be less self-conscious.

No promises as to frequency or quality, but I'm going to give it another go...and here's a quick start:

in case I haven't talked to you in the last month and a half - yes. I ran and finished the Honolulu Marathon. I'm definitely glad that I did it, but I still work on being disappointed with the results. It was way slower than Kathy and I were aiming for, but we finished! And considering the extra challenges that came along with running in a totally different climate than you're used to at that time of year, that's nothing to sneeze at...In general, I felt like I could have pushed myself harder, but I was really concerned about not tiring myself out too quickly. I've decided I'd like to run another marathon, but not this year. I'd like to try again and push a little harder and see what I can do. I also look forward to training without fundraising. It was inspiring to work with Team in Training, but it was very distracting and worrisome to have to continuously check on my amount raised and try to come up with new approaches and new people to ask for money. For this year, I think I would like to do the Twin Cities 10 mile again (just seems like a piece of cake!) and I just started to think about doing a 1/2 marathon in the spring...it would give me a reason to start training again, and by the time it's done, it would be about time to start to train for the 10 mile. And then I've kept up with running for half the year! Then maybe next year or the year after I would take on the Twin Cities Marathon, or join Christine in Chicago or something. We'll see.

So that's that part of life. Maybe next time will be updates on less athletic stuff, since that's most everything I've been up to lately...

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