Tuesday, August 14, 2007

in training

Have you noticed the new additions to my sidebar?

I'm training for a marathon!

Anyone who also reads KG's blog or has talked to me within the last 3 weeks or so already knows, but here's the big official announcement - YAY!

I've never run anything more than 10 miles in my life, and that was more like walking with some running breaks after awhile...I'd been telling myself since last fall that I would maybe work my way into a 1/2 marathon and then maybe one day, MAYBE, I would consider running a marathon. There were plenty of times when I laughed at the thought of 5+ hours of running. Why would that be fun??

But here's the thing:

- I could use the motivation to get into shape. Nothing much else seems to be working lately, so this might just do it.

- I'm supporting Kathy, and she's supporting me. I know she can do it (she's done it before, and all alone, to boot!) and she seems perfectly convinced that I can do it too.

- It's for such a great cause! Honestly, my heart wasn't too involved at first, I don't know anyone who's been affected by blood cancers. My grandma died of lung cancer, but I was 8, it didn't make the biggest impact. But even in the last 3 weeks, I've heard stories of family members lost and little boys and girls bravely fighting for their lives. They deserve a chance to fight, and their families deserve all the help they can possibly find while they're fighting. If I can do something small like this to show them some support and help find them a little hope, it makes everything all the more worthwhile.

- I've never committed to any one event this big in my life that will cost me so much. I'm looking at this as an opportunity to give more of myself to God. To trust him to help me with planning a schedule and balance home, work, raising funds, and training, and life in general. I know for a fact that I don't have the personal motivation or the organizational ability to pull this off, but my God is so much bigger than me, I have to let him help and guide me.

So what I'm planning is to turn this temporarily into my training blog - crazy stories, a running tally of blisters, anything that God is teaching me through this process. You name it, it may just show up here. Please feel free to check frequently on my little sidebar links; see how much money I've raised, where I've been running (make sure I have been running!), or learn more about LLS and their programs.

If you feel so inclined, please donate! I'll take contributions of any amount to get me to the race. Did I mention it's in Hawaii? Yeah, that's another motivating factor I guess...=)

And please add your comments to my upcoming posts. Encouragement from anywhere and everywhere is most definitely welcome.

Here goes nothing!