Friday, August 10, 2007

stalked by a goose

On Wednesday, as always, I met up with Christine for a rousing game of Skip-Bo, as always. (Congrats on pulling ahead, now it's on...) There's this nice little pond outside that we like to go to. Usually the wind is our only trouble, but apparently now we need to worry about the wildfowl.

There were two geese that were hanging out near our table. One was eating, the other was staring. At me. Intently. Without moving.

He was kinda close, and making me nervous. I literally turned to face him while playing so that I would at least be able to watch him out of the corner of my eye.

Then he started moving closer! No matter how many times I tried to shoo him away or make mean faces or noises, he kept coming! Christine started liking him (probably because he was distracting me from the game) She thought he was kind of cute, with his beady little eyes and his drooling beak.

He ended up moving around to the back of the seat I was in, I really didn't like the idea that he was right behind me, still staring.

I don't know if this shows the true closeness of the goose to me, I literally was inches away. Not that he was doing anything, just drooling and staring, but it was still really creepy.

The whole drama lasted probably 20-25 minutes, and was deeply unsettling. He ended up walking toward Christine and behind her, and then off to do something else, but he was just a creepy little bird! It's not that it could have done much more than bite, and it's not like that would hurt very much (well, it might have, he had something like teeth on the inside of his beak,) but maybe it was just the thought of an animal sizing me up, staring me down, calculating something that I couldn't decipher that was the part I was most uncomfortable about.


Anonymous said...

I, on the other hand, really could imagine a goose doing real harm. In fact, I can't imagine anything much worse than a goose attack.

Remember when I tried to shoo him away and he HISSED at me!! I thought my life was over.

Jon said...

Too bad he wasn't a wombat.