Saturday, December 04, 2010

whispered secrets

Awhile back, I had started whispering in Josephine's ear as part of our bedtime routine, usually "I love you." We both like it, so I'll just do it time to time throughout the day for fun.

The other day I was changing Naomi's diaper, and Josephine was at her normal post on the arm of the recliner right next to the changing table. She likes to stand at Naomi's head and talk to her, touch her, poke at her, whatever.

She had been just a little whiny and clingy, and she had leaned over to rest her head on my arm. I gave her a hug and leaned over to whisper "I love you" into her ear. I went back to changing Naomi's diaper. Next thing I know, Josephine leaned over to Naomi and whispered "Iyuvyou" into the side of her head.

It was only the sweetest thing I have seen from her yet.

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